Friday, 20 February 2009

Sneaky sidelines

No I am not talking about affairs, but time spent at work NOT doing work! I confess there are some days where I spend way more time than is acceptable planning my next holiday, sorting my daughter's social life, booking babysitters, doing my internet shopping, booking a pedicure... Surely I shouldn't feel guilty about this? But I do. When will this mad rush of life get simpler, slower and easier? Who has time to clean out the front hall cupboard? I have enough children's clothing that mine have grown out of to start my own kid's charity shop! I guess the bottom line is that I do grab the time at work to do it all (except that cupboard). A happy working mother is a productive working mother, and there are only so many hours in a day...

Meat on a Stick

This may strike you as a bit obvious, but it always works in my house which is filled to the brim with fussy eaters. Putting meat on a stick turns a mundane meal into something that kids find fun to pick up and munch.

You will need 2 wooden skewers per child. Then I slice up a chicken breast, or a lamb steak, or a steak, and I skewer the little pieces (1/2 inch each) onto the sticks. I often drizzle on some chinese hoi sin sauce, or some barbecue sauce so they are well coated. If you have neither, then a little olive oil and a touch of salt flavours the meat just as well. Grill them on a very hot grill pan or frying pan in a bit of oil (or best on a BBQ outside) until they are browned and cooked. Serve with their favourite vegggies and some boiled potatoes.

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