Friday, 19 September 2008

Are You Sleep Deprived?

I think sleep is way overrated. The way parents obsess about their sleep or go to bed at 9pm is just plain boring. Sure we all like a good night's sleep, but if you just accept that us parents don't get to sleep as much as before children, you will enter a whole new world. But you have to truly accept and be at peace with lack of sleep, and never get angry about it again. There's a lot of interesting research out there about sleep and the only bit I believe is that kids need sleep as it's when they grow. The next time you see a runt of a kid, ask the parents if that kid sleeps badly, or never takes a nap and 9 times out of 10 they'll say yes.

Today's recipe won't put you to sleep, but it's one of my all time favourites. It epitomises everything that I feel my cooking represents: It's a bit unusual, it's tasty, easy to make and FAST. Happy working mothers don't slave for hours at a stove!

Warm Cannelini Bean Salad

Heat a large espresso cup's quantity of olive oil in a saucepan. Add about two tsps of (ideally) fresh rosemary pulled off the stalk, or the same quantity of dried. We're not looking to deep fry it, so just heat it gently until you can smell rosemary in the air above the pan. Stick your nose in there! Then add a tin of drained cannelini beans with a generous pinch of sea salt and lots of freshly ground black pepper. The beans shouldn't be swimming in oil, nor should the mixture be too dry, so add more oil if you need to. Heat through and then switch off as you can just leave it on the stove top with a lid until you need it. Don't overcook them as the beans will go hard. Serve it warm with some lamb chops and a green salad. It's a nice alternative to potatoes and healthier. I often make this in larger quantities for BBQ's too.

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