Monday, 29 September 2008

Glass of wine = Mum's best friend

You are not alone. It seems to me that there are MANY mothers out there who, upon getting their children to bed, go straight to the kitchen to pour themselves a glass of wine. This is no lecture about creeping alcoholism but a friendly (whispered) "pssssst...we all do it" moment. We love our children but they do, from time to time, drive us completely mad. And after a long frazzled evening (or day) together, only Chateau-take-moi-away will do! I know many a nutritionist who positively swears that a glass of red wine every evening does more good than harm, so it's the second and third that we should talk about...another time. Pass the bottle.

Not so Boring Potato Salad

This one is not reinventing the wheel, I know! But my cooking is all about the basics, with a lovely cheating twist to make people think you are a culinary genius. But it is with humbleness that I offer this very simple recipe. Obviously you boil some peeled potatoes which I always cut up before cooking as it cuts down on the cooking time. Drain and allow them to cool (never rinse them under cold water! It's far better to serve warm potato salad than the mulch this would produce). Add enough half fat creme fraiche (healthier than mayonnaise so please forgive my creme fraiche fetish) to coat the potatoes generously, 2 tbsps of curry powder, and some apricot chutney. I know "some" is not a measurement, but if it is about 1/4 chutney to creme fraiche, that should be about right. If the chutney you are using has chunks of apricot, either chop them up or leave them out. Mrs Balls Chutney has the perfect consistency for this, but any chutney will work. Add lots of salt and pepper as potatoes are so bland. Lastly, add some chopped fresh mint or parsley, for a cheffy flourish, if you can be bothered.

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